More about us - HopeforkidsNepal_en

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About us

Who are we?

We are group of people who are motivated by a passion for helping vulnerable kids.
I (Peter) decided to dedicate my life to helping  kids in danger of human trafficking many years ago. I realised that I could not live on the face of this Earth without at least trying to change the fate of a few little ones lost in the pit of human trafficking and sexual slavery.

So my wife Leena and I decided to start our organisation called Hope for Kids Nepal because Nepal is where my wife was born and it has become my home as well. We are based in Kathmandu. This is the place where we want to make a difference and where we want to give hope to orphaned street kids who are vulnerable to human trafficking.

We have made our decision.

We felt that we could not live with the knowledge that there are so many kids in such danger and do nothing about it. These children are trafficked, often sexually abused and living in inhumane conditions.

If you would like to become involved and support us, please consider partnering with us in this fight. We cannot win this by ourselves - but together we can do so much more.
Many thanks in anticipation.

Hope for Kids Nepal

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